Aliases: Sexy (by Coach Colby) Really pretty brunette Hitler with a drug problem (by Jecka) xXPiercedPrincessXx (MySpace account)

view her wardrobe and sprites

Nicole is a sociopathic girl who feels almost no sympathy. She has a habit of playing with people's emotions, either to get out of situations or simply for the enjoyment of the power trip, and seems desensitized to violence against her or others. She's also a frequent drug abuser.

Her most noticeable trait is her crude language and quick-witted intelligent comebacks. Nicole is usually brutally honest and turns everything into a joke, even when confronted by serious and/or dangerous situations. She has a very dark and edgy sense of humor, and is frequently seen gossiping and lying.

Nicole is able to ignore any of her preconceived morals for her own gain, and is capable of ruining reputations and lives around her without any remorse. She is however not a physically aggressive person, as it is implied that she isn't a great fighter in the original game by herself and by the fact she's seen seeking help when threatened.

Despite this, she possesses some form of moral code, though it is pretty self-centered and selective. She often expresses her hatred for pedophiles, sexual harassers and rapists, while also using it as an excuse to be a misandrist, and is purposely cold or vindictive to men.

She generalizes men as "rapists and pedophiles", never conceiving them as anything more than that. Similar views are also shared by Jecka, though to a lesser degree. Although occasionally referring to herself as straight, Nicole is shown to despise men, her few genuine relationships being exclusively women, especially Jecka. She also says she wishes to be a lesbian sometimes.

Game trivia:
Nicole never directly expresses sexual desire for anyone. There are implications that she may derive some form of sexual pleasure from having power over people and hurting them.
Nicole's mother hits her for being expelled in the statewide expulsion ending, but there were no signs of her attacking her brother for being twenty-five and still living in her house. This may be another example of misogyny in the game.
Nicole show signs of high self-awareness. There is a heavy implication that Nicole is technically aware that her actions are wrong, but simply doesn't see the people around her as deserving of her sympathy.
It is never stated whether Nicole told her mom and brother that her father blamed his suicide on her.
Nicole's mom states that she has accused people of sexual assault in the past. This gives either very dark implications or shows that she has been lying about these serious situations from a young age.
